Submit a Recipe
Have a dream beer you have been longing for?
Submit your idea and we will figure out how to brew it. It can be as simple as “I want a Stout that tastes like an Almond Joy” to a full homebrew recipe. Generate pre-votes for your idea and it will be entered in a vote. The more pre-votes you get the better your chances are of making it into a vote.
Submit your recipe
The voting period will be announced via social media and on the voting form prior to the launch. Select which beer you would like to see brewed and follow the prompts to finish placing your vote. When the voting round closes, the winner is announced and we begin designing the label, finalizing the recipe, and sourcing ingredients.
The winning beer is brewed at the end of the following month. The beer is typically ready for release within 4-6wks of being brewed (unless it is barrel aged of course). While the beer is brewing you can place a pre-order on our website. When the beer is finished, you’ll receive an email to pick up your order and enjoy!